Brooklyn has started eating rice cereal at night. The doctor thought this might help her sleep better at night. No such luck so far! The first few times were quite a mess but now she is getting better at it. This week I've been feeding it to her in the saves on laundry :)
Brooklyn loves being outside. We go on lots of walks. We hung up a swing in the backyard and she enjoys that too. I bought a bike trailer on a garage sale last weekend so we will have to see how she likes that. Speaking of garage sales, I made a haul at one for Brooklyn. I got 14 Carter outfits and my total was $20!!!! The lady had $1.00 or $1.50 on each outfit. I was pumped!!!
I will leave you with some pictures and a video. Brooklyn loves to giggle. The video isn't the best quality but it will have to do for now. Have a good week!
"Eating" her cereal
Tummy time on the floor
Here's the video of Brooklyn giggling. Try to tune out my lovely mother :)
That is NOT your mother. You are the one making Brooklyn laugh...don't try to fool us! :) the pictures - my favorite is the 2nd JC Penny one. They all turned out well though! We have to get together again soon! - Steph