I am soooo ready for spring! Brooklyn still has a bad cold/cough and I can't wait for the warmer temperatures that are coming this week. I took Brooklyn to the doctor last week because her cold wasn't getting any better. After ruling out ear infection and sinus infection, they had her get some chest x-rays done because it sounded like she had fluid in her lungs. The x-rays showed her lungs were clear but that her airway is smaller than average. The doctor thinks that it will grow with time but meanwhile, she can't get air as easily as she should be able to (which is why she gasps at times) and the mucous has a more difficult time draining since there isn't as much room (which is why she is so "rattly"). They said if she isn't better in 2 weeks to come back in and they
might give her antibiotics...as if waiting 2 months wasn't long enough! Grrr...sometimes health care makes me angry! :)
Another reason why I can't wait for spring is garage sales. I don't know why, but I get so excited about garage sales. Last week at a garage sale here in Luverne I got a Bumbo seat and two garbage bags of adorable clothes for Brooklyn for $30!!! Yeah!!! I can't wait for the city-wide rummages :)
Here are just a few pictures of Brooklyn. Have a great week!
Brooklyn in her jumparoo

Having fun in the tub
Chilling out on the couch next to Dad
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