Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sickness...round 2

So just when I thought we were on the mends from our colds, we get the flu bug. Eric got the flu during the night Thursday and still isn't feeling 100%. Friday night we moved Brooklyn upstairs to the nursery and at 3:00 in the morning we were awakened with a crib full of puke. At first I thought maybe it was just a fluke thing but Saturday morning she threw up 4 more times...two of which were in the car. Eric and I refinanced our mortgage and we have had an appointment to sign the papers for almost a month and so I didn't want to cancel (especially since the bank was willing to let us come in on a Saturday so Eric wouldn't have to take off work). Well, we hadn't gotten very far out of Luverne and she threw up....I will spare you the details but let's just say it soaked through her car seat liner, through her car seat cushion, and poured out the holes in the bottom of her car seat and filled up the base. LOVELY!!!! At that point there wasn't much we could do so we went and signed the papers and then leaving Edgerton, she did the same thing. Yesterday at noon I started giving her Pedialyte and she has managed to keep that down. This afternoon I gave her a bottle of milk and that has stayed down too. So she's gone 24 hours without throwing up so I am hoping she is better now. It was so cute because every time after she would throw up, she would look up at me and smile. She definitely isn't crabby so that is nice. I am praying that I don't get it. So many of my kids in school have had the flu this past week so it must be going around. So hopefully by tonight Eric and Brooklyn will be better and we can be done being sick for awhile!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Our life in a nutshell...

Life is crazy! The past 3 weeks have been nuts. I am back at work which has been going really well. My first few days back were a bit stressful and then after her third day at daycare Brooklyn spiked a 101 fever and threw up. She ended up getting an awful cold and cough. For 2 weeks she couldn't breathe through her nose and she would throw up at least once a day from her coughing. Our doctor wouldn't do anything for her since she is so young. She is finally on the mends and doing much better now, although I am still trying to catch up from all the puke laundry. :) Daycare has been going well. She gets a lot of attention from our daycare provider's 2 and 1/2 year old twin girls. They love "baby Brooklyn!" I am so thankful that it's going well at daycare. Leaving the house by 7:00 each morning is a different story though... :)
Brooklyn still gets up at least once, if not twice, during the night and we are anxiously awaiting for the day when she sleeps through the night. Hopefully that comes soon!!! Now that she is on soy milk she is a different child. She no longer has all of her crying spells and is so much more content. Before when we would lay her on the floor she would squirm, pull up her legs, fuss, cry, etc. Now she just lays there and smiles at us. It's so cute! I haven't been able to capture a good smile yet on camera....hopefully soon! I will leave you with a video clip of her talking. She loves to talk--which isn't surprising...she is a Buys after all! :)