Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What we've been up to...

Sorry for not posting for so long. We've been busy and now that the school year is over, I finally have time to catch up on things like blogging. Here's a hodgepodge of pictures from the last two months. This is what we've been up to lately.
Going to the park
Playing with Addison
Fighting with Addison
Digging in drawers and finding things to play with like Mom's headbands
Relaxing (yes the pop can is empty). You've got to try Cherry Vanilla Pepsi. It's so good!

Missing my daycare buddy Tanyon. Mom isn't near as fun to play with as Claire, Sophie, and Tanyon are.
Watching the Wiggles

Playing with cousins

Eating...it's what I do best :)

Getting into everything

Playing outside
Being silly
Playing with our wonderful neighbors and their cute little puppy Cooper
Sleeping (occasionally!)

Being cute :)
And probably the biggest thing we've been up to is shingling our house and painting it. The shingles are done and look great and now on to painting. More pictures of the finished product to come!

1 comment:

  1. The house looks awesome. Tim loves the entrance. Great to see you this past weekend. Sometime I'll have to come back for a longer time in the summer and catch up more with you and Shelly. Have a nice time off from work
