Man, am I ever sick of winter! I cannot wait for all this snow to be gone and for it to be warm enough to play outside with Brooklyn, go on walks, go to the park, etc. I get excited just thinking about it! Hopefully spring will bring health! Brooklyn had an awful cold/cough for about a week before it turned into ear infection. Her ear drum actually ruptured. Poor girl! She also had a sore throat/swollen glands so she was put on an antibiotic and a cough syrup with codeine. Since we have been on about every kind of antibiotic and Brooklyn has reacted to quite a few of them, she is on a sulfa antibiotic now that is like thick chalk. The pharmacist couldn't flavor it b/c it lessens its effectiveness so it is a full-fledged wrestling match to get her to take her medicine twice a day. The doctor switched her allergy med too so we will see how that goes. It's a lot cheaper than the one she was on before, but she doesn't take this one very well (it's a liquid where her old one was a powder we would mix with applesauce). She is finally getting back into the habit of sleeping through the night again but is up every day by 5:30. SO EARLY! Sometimes by the time I get to school I am already exhausted. I am hoping that daylight savings will help her sleep until 6:30. That would be awesome!
Other than that, not much else is new. Both of our jobs are going well. We stay quite busy with school and church. Eric is a deacon and we are also youth group leaders. Every other spare moment we have we stay home and sleep. I know, we are such losers. There are many weekend nights where all three of us are in bed by 8:30.
LOL...we are dorks!
I haven't taken many pictures lately because the minute I haul out the camera, Brooklyn is in my face trying to grab it out of my hands which usually results in pictures of her arms or fingers.
She loves playing piano. Playing piano while climbing on Dad is even more fun!

Addie and Brooklyn eating cookies at Grandma's house.

Dalton and Brooklyn

Going up and down the stairs is her new favorite activity. Last week Saturday she went up and down our stairs 19 times in a row (yes, I counted!). Maybe she'll start losing some weight now! :)
and reading books...another one of her favorite things!

Have a good week!
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