It's been awhile since I've updated. Life has been busy! This week I only have a three and a half day which will be nice. Brooklyn has been a little stinker lately. She isn't napping very well during the day and has been getting up 3-4 times each night for a week and a half. I am thinking it's because of her teeth. Her little cheeks get fiery red and so hot. I give her Ibuprofen, teething tablets,
Orajel, you name it....none of it seems to help though. We went in to the doctor this week and he did switch her allergy medicine back to the first one she was on. The new one she tried wasn't working. She had a stuffy/runny nose, watery eyes, and was so
phlegmy. The doctor said that could be contributing to why she isn't sleeping well either. So we are back on
Singulair granules again. Eric and I are very ready for her to start sleeping. Our household is much happier when we all get sleep :)
Other than that, not much else is new. This week is supposed to be really nice and so I am anticipating going on lots of walks and playing in the park. Brooklyn has been playing with our niece Addison a lot lately. It is so fun to see them interact. Usually they get along well...unless they both want the same toy. Here are a few pictures from the last couple of weeks.
Brooklyn and Addie looking absolutely thrilled that I am taking their picture!

Brooklyn playing with her washer and dryer.

Nice and comfy on her couch

This is what I get for leaving the Cheerios box out :) Could her grin get any cheesier?!?!?!

So I tried to get a nice picture of her Sunday before church...

still not cooperating...

and this is the closest to "nice" that I got. I'll have to try again another time.

Here's a video of Brooklyn and her moves. She loves music!