Weight: 28 lbs. 2 oz (90%)
Height: 34.25" (97%)
Favorite toys: Cell phones, dolls, and books
Favorite activities: Being naughty, watching the Wiggles, eating, playing outside, going to the park, going down the slide over and over and over again, going for walks, playing with random objects in the garage, and messing with the computer
Speech and other milestones: She talks a lot! She says between 40-50 words, some of which only Eric and I can understand :) She mimics us a lot too--typing on the computer, answering the phone, sweeping, brushing our teeth, etc. Lately she has been telling us when she has to poop. In the last week she's pooped 3 times on the potty. We'll have to see if this trend continues.
Teeth: 16
Food/Eating: She usually eats oatmeal or toast for breakfast with a fruit or yogurt. Lately she's been wanting to eat cereal like us so she's had a few bowls of Cheerios too. Snacks usually consist of Cheerios, fruit, or crackers. This summer she's been eating a lot of grapes and strawberries for her snacks. Lunch and supper are usually whatever we are eating. She's becoming a little more fussy with meat and I think it's because of the texture. If it's in a
hotdish she's okay, but just a plain hamburger or a bite of chicken she usually spits back out. Some nights I combine the meat with veggies or noodles,etc. and that helps her eat it. She loves milk and apple juice. Overall, she is a very, very, VERY good eater (hence her weight :)
Naps/Sleeping: Brooklyn usually takes about an hour and a half afternoon nap. Some days it can be 2+ hours, and other days (like today) only 35 minutes. She goes to bed like a champ at night. She may only have her pacifier in bed so usually we just ask her if she wants her pipe, she says yes, grabs her blanket, and starts climbing up the stairs. Later this summer we are going to take her pipe away so we are enjoying the easiness of it now :) She goes down for her nap around 12:30/12:45 in the afternoon and to bed for the night at 9:00. She usually sleeps through until 7:00. She's come a long way the last 6 months!!! I don't miss those nights of getting up with her 4 times at all! We love our sleep :)
Sickness/Medicine: Brooklyn still will have an occasional ear infection. She takes
Claratin every morning and
Singulair at night. These allergy
meds have definitely helped, although they do get costly. After this month we are going to stop with her
Singulair and see what happens. It's an expensive med and the doctor wants to see if she has outgrown any of her allergies. We will still do the
Claratin just to keep her nose draining to hopefully avoid another ear infection. She only had the flu once this year, compared to four times in 3 months the year before. I think her immune system is finally developing :)
Brooklyn is such a joy. She makes us laugh every day. It's hard to believe our baby girl is 18 months old already. This is such a fun stage. Eric and I are constantly commenting on all the silly things she does and says. We love you so much Brooklyn Marie!
Now on to the pictures :)
I think she loves vacuuming as much as her Mom! She is not afraid of it one bit. Maybe that is due to the fact that we constantly had the vacuum running when she was younger to muffle out her crying. Hopefully she still loves the vacuum 10 years from now when I need help with my housework! :)

Having quite the conversation on her play cell phone while pushing her stroller.

Celebrating Addison's 2
nd birthday. Out of the 11 pictures I took of these 3 girls, this is the best one I got. These 3 don't sit still very long...especially when there's frosting in front of them!

Since I'm babysitting my nieces this month, Addison and Brooklyn get to spend a lot of time together.

And today they were actually being kind to each other!!!

Brooklyn loves playing in the sand at the beach. We've gone 2 Saturdays in a row to the lake and she really enjoys it. It tires her out too which is great!

Not cooperating smiling...