Sunday, November 8, 2009

Family pictures attempt

Hello everyone! It's been awhile since I have blogged because life has been busy. Brooklyn had another ear infection last week and then had a bad reaction to the antibiotic that she was one so we had one crabby, crabby baby for a week. I don't think we slept more than 4 hours a night for that week. It was a L O N G struggle to get through. Now, I think we are on the mend....until next week when she will probably catch some other bug and be sick again. I swear the kid was born with half an immune system. Whenever the doctor says, "Well, there's a 1% chance that..." it seems like Brooklyn always falls into that category and gets anything/everything possible. It's frustrating!!!

A few Sundays ago it was such a beautiful day we decided to go up to my folks and try take family pictures. Oh boy....was that ever a chore with 5 children under the age of 7!!! You can see below how well it went :)

So Addie and Brooklyn didn't want to look at the camera...
so we thought we would try a leaf pile instead...Brooklyn did NOT like this idea!
Now all the grandkids together. Addie and Brooklyn were
not too sure about this...
Melting down...
Nope, not going to happen!!!
So then we were going to try get a good picture with the 3 of us and
Brooklyn decided to totally cheese out the remainder of our photo
shoot. No, this is not going to be our Christmas card (although I do laugh
every time I look at it!). We might have gotten one good one we might
be able to use.
Pictures were sure less of a chore before Brooklyn came along. I think we were all sweating by the time it was done and no successful grandchildren picture was captured. I guess that's the way it goes! Have a good week!

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