We all have been sick here. Eric first had a bad head cold/sore throat. The next week Brooklyn got a bad cold and after a few days developed ear infection. Three days after that I went in and had a sinus infection. No fun!!!! I am hoping we are on the mends here and that the sickness doesn't continue on and on like it did during the school year last year. I guess that is one of the joys of being a teacher--you are exposed to a lot of crud each day! Hand sanitizer has become my new best friend.
We haven't really done anything fun lately so I'll share a few pictures of everyday life.
Brooklyn enjoying her duck tub that we got from her cousin. The first few baths she screamed because she was deathly afraid of the thing--especially when it quacked (you need to pinch its beak)! Now she loves it!!

Daddy getting me out of the tub.

Brooklyn cheesin' out

Her first corn on the cob experience
Sorry these videos are so dark. Our digital camera isn't exactly high quality :)
She is so adorable. Hope school goes well. I know my mom was anxious about this year at Edgerton too. I am sure after a couple weeks you will be right in the swing of it again.