It is crazy that the month of June is almost over. I don't know where the time went! Next week we leave for vacation so I am sure July is going to fly by too! Brooklyn had her 6 month well check yesterday. I think I hate shots more than she does. She was up at 2:30 this morning screaming with a 103 degree temp. We didn't get her calmed back down until 6:30. Even with Tylenol her fever has still been around 101 all day and she is CRABBY!!! Every time I would lay her down today she would cry and cry and cry and cry. Tonight I let her cry in her crib for an hour just because I had to get supper made and I knew she was tired (she was up since 2:30 and only had taken one short nap during the day). After exactly an hour of crying she fell asleep...for 15 minutes. Grrr! Some days I just want to pull my hair out because I can't take all the crying. She does have her good days and I guess I just need to focus on those when she is having a bad day. It just is so frustrating because she is not a content baby. She can't lay on the floor or be in her jumparoo, etc. unless I am right there playing with her. The minute I leave the room she starts crying. I know this is a bad habit so I do just let her cry sometimes but she does not give up and then it just makes the rest of the day that much worse. She does the same thing in the middle of the night. She still gets up 4-6 times a night and I know I probably should be letting her cry it out but sometimes when I am so tired and out of it, it is just easier to get up and rock her in the chair for awhile to calm her down and get her back to sleep. I still think she has some tummy problems because a lot of the time she will start screaming out of the blue. So, all you moms out there, give me some advice! Do I let her cry it out and hopefully have her learn to be a little more independent?
Brooklyn's appointment went well (besides her shots...I think the whole clinic heard her screaming!). She weighed 17 lbs. 13 oz. (90%) and was 27 and 1/2 inches long (95%).
Here is a picture and a video from this weekend. My parents were camping at Okabena so Brooklyn and I spent some days up there with them. She is so much happier when she is outside so I think we are going to have to plan some camping trips this summer!
Loving her make-shift bathtub while camping!

Here is a video of Brooklyn's new giggle. It is probably the
weirdest noise you have ever heard come out of a baby's mouth!
(sorry it is sideways...I don't know how to fix that).
Today our niece, Addison Jo, turns 1. Here is a picture
from the day she was born. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADDIE!
We love you!
Okay...that laugh is hilarious! Does she still do it?! :) She's getting so big! When will we see you again? Tell us when you are free to get together! - Steph