Brooklyn had her two month well-check on Tuesday. She weighed 12 lbs. 10 oz. (95%) and was 24" long (97%), so she is a chunk but at least she is long so the fat balances out :) She also got 4 shots and did not like that very much! She has been doing so well--no major screaming sessions for the last 5 days...but that luxury ended today. She has been quite fussy and very agitated. It's hard to see her in pain and we feel SO helpless. The doctor wanted us to stop giving her the acid reflux medicine so maybe that is why she is fussy. I am still taking her to the chiropractor twice a week but I am not so sure we will be able to keep that up since I go back to work on Monday. The doctor thinks it's colic and that she will outgrow it around 4 months. We hope it doesn't last any longer than that!!
Brooklyn and I got to meet up with 2 of my college roommates and their daughters. That was fun! We laughed at how we need to have them play together so that they can be roommates when they go to Dordt!!! Here are some pictures of our week:
Her legs after her shots

She let us know how she felt!!!
Brooklyn & I, Steph & Sage, Holly & Avery
The kids--Brooklyn didn't feel like cooperating!
Wow - you got a good picture of us and the girls! Will you e-mail them to me? Mine didn't turn out so well - I think my mom was doing the cha-cha as she took the picture on my camera. It's so blurry! It was good to see you again!