Wednesday, February 25, 2009

2 month well check

Brooklyn had her two month well-check on Tuesday. She weighed 12 lbs. 10 oz. (95%) and was 24" long (97%), so she is a chunk but at least she is long so the fat balances out :) She also got 4 shots and did not like that very much! She has been doing so well--no major screaming sessions for the last 5 days...but that luxury ended today. She has been quite fussy and very agitated. It's hard to see her in pain and we feel SO helpless. The doctor wanted us to stop giving her the acid reflux medicine so maybe that is why she is fussy. I am still taking her to the chiropractor twice a week but I am not so sure we will be able to keep that up since I go back to work on Monday. The doctor thinks it's colic and that she will outgrow it around 4 months. We hope it doesn't last any longer than that!!
Brooklyn and I got to meet up with 2 of my college roommates and their daughters. That was fun! We laughed at how we need to have them play together so that they can be roommates when they go to Dordt!!! Here are some pictures of our week:
Her legs after her shots

She let us know how she felt!!!
Brooklyn & I, Steph & Sage, Holly & Avery
The kids--Brooklyn didn't feel like cooperating!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Brooklyn's Baptism

Yesterday was Brooklyn's baptism. She did great! She ended up sleeping through almost the entire service. I guess she was recuperating from all the crying she did last week :) Here are some pictures of her big day:

Eric's grandpa (who also married us) did the baptism.

By this point Brooklyn was sick of taking pictures..

Thursday, February 19, 2009

No such luck...

So last time I posted how Brooklyn was doing better...well, those couple of days must have been a fluke. This week has been a struggle! She has done so much screaming in the last 4 days I don't know how her little body can handle it (I can't even handle it!!!). Today she was screaming and I couldn't calm her down so I just put her in her cradle, turned the vacuum on, closed the door, and left the room. I went in the basement to do laundry and she screamed for an hour and a half straight. I finally didn't have the heart to let her cry anymore so I went in and picked her up. She continued to cry for 45 more minutes in my arms until finally she wore herself out and fell asleep. I have taken her to the chiropractor twice this week and it doesn't seem to be helping. The chiropractor flipped out that she is on Zantac. He said it could do serious damage to her digestive system since she is so young. I am not sure if he is correct or if he is just an "all-natural" type of doctor that doesn't believe in medicine. Who knows!! I am willing to try anything and everything at this point! We just hope she outgrows this soon because it is stressful. I guess it makes going back to work in a week more appealing :) I am not sure how our daycare provider will handle it. She has twin daughters who are 2 and a 1 year old son, plus another teacher's daughter so she will have her hands full to say the least!

We would appreciate prayers for Brooklyn. The last few weeks haven't been much fun! Hopefully things will turn around and get better soon!

Friday, February 13, 2009

I think this is the first week since Brooklyn has been born that we haven't gone to the doctor's office! Hopefully that means things are getting better. We switched her to soy last weekend and haven't noticed a change yet. She has been very fussy this week. Wednesday was probably her fussiest day yet. I bet she screamed for 12 of the 24 hours. It was very trying. Eric and I had Youth Group that night so my sister and brother-in-law watched her. Let's just say after 2 hours of her screaming they were very ready for us to pick her up. I think they realize now how lucky they are with their 2 children who seriously never cry and have been sleeping straight through the night since 6 weeks. Too bad we weren't that lucky...:) So far we cannot tell that the soy has been helping but the doctor said it would take 2 weeks before we saw any we are still hopeful! We are finding things that help calm her down--driving in a car and putting her in her swing and letting the vacuum run. We just pray that the soy formula will do the trick or that she will outgrow this quickly!

Yesterday I picked up Emma and Addison from daycare and they got to spend some time with Brooklyn. They actually sat still long enough for me to snap a picture. I was so preoccupied with getting Addison to look at the camera and smile that I neglected the fact Brooklyn was falling over. Oh well...I think it would be impossible to get a "perfect" picture with these 3!!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Just thought I'd update you on a couple of things. The last 3-4 weeks Brooklyn has been quite fussy, often screaming for hours at a time. I took her to the doctor last week and he thinks she has acid reflux so he prescribed her Zantac. We started her on the medicine last Friday and we thought it was working because Saturday and Sunday she was so good, but then Monday she was quite fussy and today she has been crying most of the day. It is so hard to hear her screaming like that because you can tell by her cry that something is hurting her but there isn't much I can do! Today she screamed for 2 hours straight in my arms and after feeding her, changing her, and holding her in every imaginable position, I realized there was nothing I could do to make her stop. I just put her in her swing and went in the basement for a few minutes just to clear my head! She eventually cried herself to sleep which was very hard for me to let her do. I have a doctor's appointment on Friday so we will see if there is anything else we can try. It is crazy how she will have 2 days in a row where she is so good, and then she will have a couple of days where she cries nonstop. Ahhhh!!!

Brooklyn continues to grow like a weed. At 5 weeks she weighed 10 lbs. 11 oz. and was 22 and a 1/2 inches long. She is in the 95 percentile! Soon she is going to be off the charts I'm sure!
Check out those cheeks! :)
Watching "The Office" with Dad. The show has the same effect on me (sorry all you Office lovers!)
Tummy time--trying to develop those neck muscles...
which, probably due to the size/weight of her cheeks, she HATES!!!
Checking out her new toy
Hanging out on the floor