Thursday, April 15, 2010

Shoes, shoes, shoes

Brooklyn's new obsession lately is shoes. She literally will sit and play with shoes for an hour. She tries putting them on her feet, putting them on her hands, clapping them together, etc. When I was looking at pictures tonight, I noticed a common theme...


Notice the shoes in every picture? She usually has one, if not two, in her hands all the time. What a goof!
This is Brooklyn's favorite person besides Mom or Dad. She even
prefers Auntie Shelly over me sometimes which is wonderful! Having a Momma's girl gets a bit annoying at times. I'm always willing to pawn her off...especially if there's no screaming :)
A few weeks ago we celebrated Easter with my side of the family. The kids did their annual Easter egg hunt. This was Brooklyn first time joining in on the action.
Addison had it all figured out...
but Brooklyn was a little slow and didn't quite get the object of the game. She still ended up getting a few eggs and a stuffed rabbit she sleeps with every night.
Have a great week!